Train with The Pro Creator: Sandra Grajales Blasts FST-7 Shoulders
Team Evogen Elite IFBB Figure Pro Sandra Grajales is a few weeks out from the 2020 Arnold Figure International. She recently flew out to Los Angeles for The Fit Expo. Before the show, 19X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod took her through a hardcore FST-7 shoulders workout. Follow The Pro Creator behind the scenes at Metroflex Long Beach as Sandra goes rep for rep with Hany to fine tune her physique.
Grajales hopes to improve on her Top 6 placing at the 2019 Arnold and with the help of new EVP Xtreme N.O. Tropic Thunder powered by NO3-T nitrate technology and EVP AQ premium liquid pump volumizer she is sure to achieve the 3D look necessary to push her over the top.
Warm up (lightweight)
10-12 Reps Lateral raises
Super Set
10-12 Reps front raises (palms down)
1 set
Working exercises
Drop-set Static Hold Dumbbell lateral raises
- 3 Both Arms
- 5 Singles (right arm then Left)
- 4 Singles (right arm then Left)
- 3 Singles (right arm then Left)
- 3 Both Arms
4 sets
Drop-set Static Hold Dumbbell Shoulder Press
(palms facing each other, front delts)
- 3 Both Arms
- 5 Singles (right arm then Left)
- 4 Singles (right arm then Left)
- 3 Singles (right arm then Left)
- 3 Both Arms
4 sets
Leaning Dumbbell Single Arm Lateral Raise
10-12 Reps
3 sets
Ladder Front Raises
- 5 Both Arms
- 3 Singles (right arm then Left)
4 sets
Bent over Dumbbell Flys (pinkies up)
10-12 Reps
3 sets
Ladder Face Pulls
15-20 Reps Alternating from (front felt height/ forehead height)
3 Sets