Train with the Pro Creator: Ismael Martinez Spread His FST-7 Wings
19X Olympia winning coach and CEO Hany Rambod catches up with Team Evogen Elite athlete @Ismael Martínez from Mexico at 49ersFIT in San Jose for an FST-7 back session. Ismael asked Hany to get a workout in– careful what you wish for. Go behind the scenes with Hany Rambod and Ismael as The Pro Creator shows the young athlete what it takes to be a champion pushing him through a tough back workout before they move into posing.
- EVP Xtreme NO Raspberry Lemonade, 1 scoop
- Amino KEM, 1 scoop
- Cell KEM PR Raspberry Lemonade, 1 scoop
Machine Lat Pull Downs
- 2 Warm Up sets
- 4 Working sets
- 12-15 reps 3 Partials Last 2 sets
- Posing 10-15 Seconds
Machine Rows
- 4 sets
- 8-12 reps 3 Partials Last 2 sets
Cambered Bar Bent Over Barbell Rows
- 4 sets
- 12-15 reps 3 Partials Last 2 sets
FST-7 Rope Lat Pull Downs
- 7 sets
- 10-15 reps
- 45 Sec Rest