Muscle Building Q&A with Evogen Elite Athlete Uzoma Obilor
Team Evogen Elite athlete @Uzoma_Obilor hops on his instagram and answers 10 questions about building muscle, losing weight and much more!
Visit the Shortcuts for his Q&A
- 00:44 How shred without losing muscle?
- 01:53 When can I tell if I'm overtraining?
- 02:55 Have you found lean bulking or heavy bulking better for gaining good wieght?
- 04:34 Whats an effective way to burn fat?
- 05:51 Advice to teenagers getting into weight lifting and/or bodybuilding?
- 07:00 Difference between dieting for fat loss vs. dieting for muscle gain?
- 08:28 How does one know, how much food is too much or not enough?
- 09:37 What are some food recommendations for someone trying to gain muscle?
- 10:46 What is your Go-To Breakfast for muscle building?
- 11:24 What do you do for Recovery?