FST-7 Quads with Dr. Sunny Andrews and Hany Rambod
Team Evogen Elite's newest athlete IFBB Wellness Pro Sunny Andrews is off to a quick start being less than 10 weeks out from the 2022 Arnold Wellness International in Ohio. 20X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod and Sunny are looking to dominate the Arnold as they train FST-7 quads for the first time together. Go behind the scenes as Dr. Andrews digs in with The Pro Creator at Hidden Gym in Texas.
- EVP 3D Sour Candy
- Amino K.E.M. Sour Candy
FST-7 Leg Extensions
- Alternating Hot Potato Style 3 Sets
Pendulum Squat Machine
- 12-15 reps 4 sets
Fixed Barbell walking Lunges
- 12-20 reps 3 sets
Dumbell Bulgarian Split Squat
- 10-12 reps 4 sets