Train with The Pro Creator: Andrei and Devin Up In Arms with Hany Rambod
19X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod recently connected with IFBB Pro Men's Physique Champion Andrei Deiu and NPC Jr. Bodybuilding Champion Devin Bernardo at Metroflex Long Beach. Rambod recently signed Devin to Team Elite Evogen. The 22 year old bodybuilder has built great arms and with some adjustments to his upper body, he has a promising future.
Follow The Pro Creator behind the scenes as Andrei and Devin go rep for rep in this FST-7 arms workout powered by EVP® Xtreme N.O. Tropic Thunder and EVP AQ liquid pump volumizer. Hany talks about TUT time under tension and various FST-7 techniques including hold and squeeze between sets. The young rookie stands tall giving the Romanian Pro all he can handle.
Tricep Rope pulldowns (10-12 Reps)
3 Sets (warm up)
4 Sets (working)
Sit Down Cable Curls (10-12 Reps)
Super Sets
Posing (5-10 Seconds)
3 Sets
Overhead Triceps Rope Pulls (10-12 Reps)
Super Set
Close grip Push Ups (10-12 Rep)
3 Sets
Static Hold Dumbell Curls
3 Together
5 Single (5 left then 5 Right)
3 Single (3 left then 3 Right)
3 Together
Super Set
Posing (5-10 Seconds)
3 Sets
Seated Dumbbell Skull Crushers (10-12 Reps)
Super Set
Rope Cable Curls (ladders 1 rep is a full circuit (low, medium high)) (5 Reps)
3 Sets