Team Evogen Elite Welcomes IFBB Bikini Pro Carla Garthwaite
Evogen Nutrition is known for signing some elite and ambitious athletes. IFBB Pro League Carla Garthwaite is a mother of 2 children and owns her own glam company Show Glow Competition Services. She started her journey into fitness over 8 years ago as a young mother wanting more for herself and family. She fell in love with the results, transforming her physique into a winning combination of beauty, curvy lines and muscle to win her IFBB Pro card at the 2018 NPC Jr. USA.
Carla typically sticks to strength training, but enjoys circuit training in her off-season. She wanted to sign with Evogen and Hany Rambod based on his accomplishments in the sport as well as the quality of the products. Her favorite product is EVP 3D as well as IsoJect pure whey protein isolate.